Having stepped into the dynamic and competitive world of marketing as a tiny little player, today we have created our own space and clientele. Now serving various companies with their marketing plans and social media optimization we have grown into a knowledgeable and performing unit.
Marketing is simply put making your product visible to the end user. The manner in which you build and increase the visibility on the shelf is of utmost importance.
Gifts whether given to a child or a multimillion dollar company always bring a smile. What needs to be taken care of is the kind of gift given. That is where we step in........
Office No.3, Krishnalaya Building, N.S Mankikar Marg. Sion Mumbai 400022
Contact Pooja : +91 9819550110 / 022 24026458
Email : pooja@saltmarketing.in
Website : www.saltmarketing.in
Marketing is simply put making your product visible to the end user. The manner in which you build and increase the visibility on the shelf is of utmost importance. That is exactly what we at Salt aim at when you rest your belief in us. We help our clients' device promotion campaigns and strategies. Building brand image that register for long and brand identities that can be identified with is amongst our other services. Designing strong and impactful promotional campaigns is a line of attack we have successfully implemented
Marketing Solutions-Services
A. Our 3 step Brand Consultancy Ladder-
This is a rather simple and small ladder approach we provide to ensure your brand emerges as the winner.
Step 1- Strategy Development
The 1st strategic D, development is also the first step in the ladder approach. Just as an organization creates a brand, once build a brand is essential to the growth of an organization. The two are connected by a bridge named decision making.
We engage companies to step on this bridge in a well planed, fast paced and methodical manner. This approach is taken to connect the two to yield a two faced positive result.
Step 2- Strategy Deployment
The 2 D of strategy is the key to the success of an organization. Whether it is developed through meticulous detailing or spontaneous instincts, a strategy needs to be aligned well with the prime growth objectives. We focus on the simple fundamentals to achieve this objective. Extra effort is put in to deploy and put into effective use the strategy developed to bring out the best output.
Step 3 – Brand Engagement
A brand is a success only once it is recognized by its customers’ and when the potential customers start enquiring about it. It’s all about engaging the brand. This is the 3 rd step of our brand ladder approach where we work on creating a brand image through a 360 degree integrated approach. We work on strengthening the emotional connect of the customers mind with your brand.
Gifts whether given to a child or a multimillion dollar company always bring a smile. What needs to be taken care of is the kind of gift given. That is where we step in. At Salt suggesting and designing the appropriate gift for your clients and suppliers assumes prime priority.
We exemplify style and status and offer to you a wide array of corporate gifts to choose from. We pride ourselves for our exquisite quality as each piece is an artful design from the minds and ideas of our talented workforce.
Today gifts have acquired a tag of much more than just a token of affection and appreciation. We keep in mind your taste and requirement and design a gift that not only brings out the importance of the occasion but also reflects your personality. Our gifts are sure to leave a memorable impression and are worthy of the value.
The list of our happy and satisfied clients is on the rise. We serve across a wide sector of industries and some of the world's top most brands. Our esteemed clients are:-
Cross Promotion =Half Effort + double Benefit. Interdependence cannot be ruled out, if widespread reach is what you are aiming at. Using the best of another brand and combining it with the best of yours creates a win-win situation. This can prove to be an ideal platform to effectively promote your brand to a larger audience. The prime benefit of alliances is that of Shared Marketing costs thereby reducing the pressure on the bottom lines and undoubtedly increasing the top lines.
SMM is the need of the hour for every organization big or small. To have presence on the popular online platforms namely Facebook, Twitter, Linked In (confirm) is an absolute must.
These mediums of advertising and promotions evolve and develope almost every fortnight. To be abreast or rather ahead of the competitors an organization needs a special set of skill and talent that can be honed regularly.
Young minds at Salt comprehend this fact very well and so we offer you compact and creative SMM packages to take care of your needs.
1. The Facebook Box.
The contents of this box are
2. Twitter Wrap
The wrap covers following services
Salt came into inception in the year of 2012.
Having stepped into the dynamic and competitive world of marketing as a tiny little player, today we have created our own space and clientele. Now serving various companies with their marketing plans and social media optimization we have grown into a knowledgeable and performing unit.
With a bunch of young and spirited professionals on board we strive to give you fresh and new strategies to enhance your business.
Our uniqueness lies in the diverse ingredients we offer according to your need and necessity to showcase the best on the corporate surface.
Being unconventional yet effective at the same time is our prime objective. Your success is our inspiration and we are inspired enough to help you achieve your desired results.
Our expertise lies in two things, marketing solutions and corporate gifting. Might seem as an unusual combination to you, but then who said we are conventional. A separate team for both, each managed by bright and enterprising young minds ensures top notch quality oriented outcomes.
Way It Works At SALT :